EPSON TM-L500A Thermal Printer for Boarding Pass and Bagtag Label Printer
The EPSON TM-L500A Thermal Printer for Boarding Pass and Bagtag Label Printer is an affordable solution for printing boarding passes and bag tag labels. It features high-speed printing, reliability and support for AEA 2009 and all major passenger processing systems. The TM-L500A is a full-featured, compact airline printer that supports existing applications at a low cost of ownership. It is ideal for printing boarding passes and bag tags and can use all large fan-fold or roll media. It features fast printing, superior reliability and supports AEA 2009, Windows print commands and is IATA CUSS/CUPPS compliant. It is a drop-in replacement for existing proprietary printers. Easy system integration With its support of industry standards and USB, Serial and Ethernet interfaces, the TM-L500A is a drop-in replacement for most ATB and BTP printers. And Epson’s expert integration team ensures installation is trouble free.